Artificial Blood
Give your body what it needs
How Astaxanthin fits in
Artificial Blood

Natural blood - a replacement for the civilized meat industry - not another pale and anemic steak but an improved eating experience more similar to the original experience of a bite of a real cow steak. The need to grow in cultured meat also gave birth to additives that further improve eating , the taste, the appearance and also the nutritional value.
The company Puremagics Ltd. from Israel, which specializes in growing microalgae called Haematococcus pluvialis to work in the food industry, has developed in collaboration with a leading academic institution from Israel the next generation of astaxanthin (a strong red pigment that is known as the strongest antioxidant in nature).
Adding this ingredient to the cultured (vegetarian) meat will give it the appearance and color that was missing (juiciness, color and texture). The artificial blood is supposed to upgrade your bite, and its production does not pollute the environment. The artificial blood reacts to grilling and heating like juices from raw meat, browning the food. In fact, this blood substitute eliminates the artificial color additives used today by the meat substitute industries operating in the world.
The rapidly growing cultured meat industry uses beet juice or artificial colorants to dye the cultured meat red. The beets and the other methods color the steak and hamburger but in an unreliable and less appetizing color, in addition, the color does not change or "caramelize" during grilling, like the effect of raw meat on fire.
The climate crisis, the increase in the world's population, the spread of the content of greenhouse gases created in the cultivation and production of live meat and the suffering of animals, stimulated the urgent need to create cultural food.
In fact, the global foodtech industry, based on groundbreaking technological developments, offers a host of new products and ingredients that make cultural food attractive and appetizing.
Foodtech companies have overcome the nutritional obstacle, and manage to offer healthy products, but the taste, texture and appearance are not quite the same as the original, and there are those who are not willing to compromise.
For meat substitutes manufacturers are forced to use different types of sugar. In the case of astaxanthin, we supply the red pigment to the cultured meat industry and this pigment browns the steak even when heated or grilled, as is the case with regular meat juices.
The development of Puremagics produces a thermodynamically stable raw material that is soluble in water, a fact that improves its use and maintains its nutritional value even after roasting or heating.
Green cultivation - for production, few resources are needed. And the bonus in this whole story is actually a super food, and the do not only add up to aesthetic and sensory benefits, but also a nutritional advantage. Microalgae are a sustainable crop, and algae are also a source of essential fatty acids, minerals and vitamins.
The need to grow in cultured meat also gave birth to additives that further improve eating - the taste, the appearance and also the nutritional value.
Astaxanthin Growth Process

Lab Stage
Growing the alga under sterile condition

Indoor Stage
Growing under optimal conditions to obtain maximum algal biomass

Outdoor Stage
Exposing to natural environment and stress conditions to induce Astaxanthin production

Downstream processing for production as
powder or oil